Argentina Rentista Visa: Requirements and Application Process

If you wish to settle in Argentina as a Rentista, you have to prove that you can cover your stay in the Argentine Republic with your own financial resources brought from your home country or any abroad country. From the income you produce as an owner of the business or a property, or from any other lawful income from external sources. This can not be hired for job activities. To qualify for temporary residence as a Rentista, you must meet the minimum financial requirement of $1327 USD per family (per applicant, family members don’t need to show proof of income, only the main applicant). This ensures that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Argentina.

Rentista Types:

To qualify for the Argentina Rentista Stay, you need to prove that you can support yourself financially using your own resources. This can include income generated income from owning a business or property, or any other lawful income from external sources. It cannot be income from employment.

Ownership of Real Estate

As a Rentista, you will need to provide documentation related to the ownership of real estate. This includes property title documents and a lease agreement, which should have a duration of at least one year from the time of submission to Immigration.

In order to demonstrate the receipt of funds, you will also need to provide evidence of withdrawals made within Argentina. This can be done by providing proof of ATM transactions carried out within the Argentine Republic or probably Receipt from Western Union.  This documentation will further substantiate your financial capacity as a Rentista applicant: 

  • Property title 
  • Lease Agreement from which the rent received arises. (minimum 1-year contract from presentation to Immigration)
  • Proof of the withdrawal of funds through which the account is received (ATM proof in the Argentine Republic or Western Union or any other official financial institutions)

Company Shareholders

  • Contract / Corporate By laws from which the ownership of the shares arises.
  • Certified Public Accountant Report stating the amount of income received based on accredited actions. 
  • Proof of the withdrawal of funds through which the account is received (ATM proof in the Argentine Republic)

Funds Deposited In Bank Accounts Abroad

Savings in your bank account are not enough to get you an Argentinian Rentista Visa. You must demonstrate a monthly income generated from bank interest that is at least $1327 USD.

(ATM proof in the Argentine Republic)

Argentina Rentista Visa Requirements

1.- Valid International Passport.  If you are from a neighboring country, you can present a valid identity card or certificate of nationality with a photo.

2.- Argentine criminal record. Incorporated into the RADEX

3.- Criminal record of the country of origin. The Document has/must be endorsed by the Argentine consular authority or with the Hague Convention apostilled or endorsed by the consular authority of the issuing country in Argentina (only valid for Mercosur and associated countries). Required only from foreigners over 16 years of age. The “criminal record” must be from the places where you have lived for more than one year during the last 3 years.

4.- Certificate of Argentinian address or utility bill in your name. 

5.- Stamp of entry to the country stamped on the travel document.

6.- You must prove to the National Directorate of Migration the origin of the funds and their entry into the country, through banking or financial institutions authorized by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic. You must prove that the income you make exceeds the legal minimum which would be five minimum vital and mobile salaries Argentina (since it is 5 salaries per person). 

Take into consideration the “pesification”, the value of Argentine pesos constantly changing nowadays. 

 the minimum amount required is over USD $1327 (May 21, 2024) for each family or applicant (not for each family member, only main applicant shows this amount). Here is the updated original source of the official information.  

***The important thing is to prove that if it is an income from renting a property, that this property is in the name of the Applicant with an official document issued by your home country organization (or wherever it is owned). In other words, Migrations must understand that you have a property in your name, that from this property an income is generated and income will legally enter the Argentina on a monthly basis. 

**The contract needs to be for a duration of 12 months or more. This allows them to provide you with a DNI (National Identity Document). Otherwise, they’ll provide residence time equivalent to the monthly rent you receive. For instance, if you’ve contract rent for 6 months, your residence term will be 6 months only. 

The income to be accredited must be a benefit derived from assets incorporated to the applicant’s patrimony (financial instruments, real estate, shares in companies, or other items at the discretion of the GENERAL DIRECTION OF IMMIGRATION), not including in this category remunerations obtained from personal work. Salary doesn’t work!

Likewise, own resources deposited in bank accounts abroad shall be admissible, provided that the legality of the origin of such funds is undoubtedly evidenced.

Important:  It is hereby provided that prior to the granting of the Residency, the entry into the country of the necessary funds in relation to the requested period of residence shall be verified through banking or financial institutions authorized by the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, and by means of the mechanisms in force and authorized by such entity. In other words, before you get residency, they’ll check that you have the sufficient funds for your stay approved by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.




Basically saying, you need to apostille three things before you arrive Argentina:

1: Your Birth Certificate Apostilled,  which you will need for Citizenship, this is not required for Residency. 

2. Apostilled Proof of your income, which is your property ownership and bank statement, saying the origin source of your income. Authorities just want to make sure your income is legal. 

3. Apostilled Criminal Record Certificate from your country or countries you have been more than 6 months in the last three years. 

Once you collected the above three documents, please send it to us by email for verification. Our lawyers will evaluate and if everything is OK, then you can start remote translation with these copies. After original copies arrived with you, we will submit them together and give back original copies to you after verification. 

To learn more about Rentista Residency Status and processing details, please refer to this article.

Rentista Residency in Argentina