Getting refugee status in Argentina is quite simple. Thousands of people from around the World are doing this every year. However, you must have very good reasons for obtaining this. If you have a real threat to your life, health and freedom in your home-country, you can claim for the asylum. Foreigners who have been recognized as asylums or as refugees by CONARE are granted an authorization to reside in the Argentinian territory for a term of 2 (TWO) years, extendable as many times as it deems necessary. CONARE is the Government Committee responsible for reviewing and deciding all asylum claims in ARGENTINA. It’s office is located in Buenos Aires in the Microcentro district (Downtown) at Hipólito Yrigoyen 952.
You must present a valid passport. if you are from a neighboring country, you can present a valid ID or nationality certificate with a photo.
Argentine criminal record.
Criminal record of the country of origin. The Document has/must be endorsed by the Argentine consular authority or with the Hague Convention, apostilled or endorsed by the consular authority of the issuing country in Argentina (only valid for Mercosur and associated countries). Required only for foreigners over 16 years of age.
4.- Certificate of address or utility bill in your name.
5.- Stamp of entry to the country stamped on the travel document.
– Certification issued by the National Commission for Refugees (CONARE) that proves their refugee status.
– Certification issued by the body granting the asylum that accredits such end.
Obtaining temporary residence in Argentina as an asylee or refugee is a process managed by CONARE, the Government Committee responsible for reviewing asylum claims. If you face a genuine threat to your life, health, or freedom in your home country, you may be eligible to apply for asylum. Successful applicants receive a renewable two-year residence authorization. The process requires submitting specific documents, including a valid passport, criminal records, and proof of address. For further guidance on navigating the asylum process in Argentina, contact us.